Archers Road
City Gateway
Erasmus Park
Glen Eyre
Highfield Halls
Wessex Lane
Active for Halls
Food offers
Catering outlets
How to stay secure while living in Halls
You can improve your security whilst in halls by:
Heating in Halls
Everything you need to know about heating in your halls
Catering in Highfield Halls
Part-Catered Experience at Halls: A Student's Guide
Life as an International Student in Southampton
by Ibraham Wanka
Southampton: A Home Away From Home
by Ashwin Regi
Navigating Southampton as a First-Year Engineering
by Kithmal Amarasinghe
Unilink and Bluestar
Bus Services in Southampton
How do Room Inspections work?
Why we inspect your room
University of Southampton accommodation tour
Join Noble as she shows you round your new home
Move in Weekend — what to expect
What's it like moving into University of Southampton halls?