Archers Road
City Gateway
Erasmus Park
Glen Eyre
Highfield Halls
Wessex Lane
Active for Halls
Food offers
Catering outlets
The Cookery School kicks off with a sizzling start
Missed out? There's still time to get involved
Our top 3 Nutella recipes
It's World Nutella Day! 🍫
Three mighty meal prep recipes
Cook in batches, save money!
Top Caribbean Food reccomendations
We hope you aren't hungry!
5 fresher-friendly recipes
Your new go-to dishes
The ultimate guide to your first food shop
Grocery shopping 101
Some of our favourite tea spots on campus
Looking for a nice place to have a cuppa?
Food offers up for grabs
Eat well, save money
Catering outlets on campus
Hungry or thirsty?
Top student friendly restaurants in Southampton
How to eat out on a budget