Halls Photography

Posted 2 months ago

Are you interested in having your room photographed!

Each year we take pictures and videos of our halls for marketing purposes. We offer vouchers for rooms and students that participate in any filming/photography. By filling out this form you confirm that you would like to be contacted and considered for filming/photography opportunities with University of Southampton residences during the 202/25 academic year. 

For filming/photography of rooms we will contact you to arrange/give notice to carry out room checks prior to the day of the shoot. Rooms would need to be tidy/clean and not have offensive materials. For volunteering, you will receive £10.00 per half an hour in Amazon vouchers, dependent on how long the shoot takes as a thank you. 

Your submitted details will only be used for contact for photo/filming opportunities. In instance of us working with a third party for the filming/photography your details maybe shared for purpose of making filming/photography arrangements.  

This would only be following confirmation you would be interested in working on a particular opportunity with Residences. 
